Oakland Lifestyle Photographer

Dreaming of Summer, Light and Inspiration


I've been in a photography rut. It happens. I've experienced it enough times in my journey to not fear it. I actually embrace it. Many times I'm typed the url address of my website and looked around at all the pretty pictures, but didn't feel an innate connection to the images. It was almost as if I was admiring the work of someone else. And that was ok with me because I knew that with time I would reconnect. And I have. In fact, if I really think about it. I haven't really stopped taking images. I shoot a lot still. But the difference has been that I've simply dumped the cards onto my hard drive and walked away. So now I am working through the pile of raw photos enjoying the discovery of a few gems. 

So here we are, back in the summer of 2015- late July to be exact. A week in San Diego surrounded by sand, surf, the ones I love most in the world. The light was golden, as was our skin. The moods were light (as light as can be when you have a 3 year old in your pack), and the living was easy.  I am looking forward to our next summer time get-away where our only job is to have fun. Until then, I have these photos. 

Oakland Family Documentary Photographer- The T Family

Oakland Family Documentary Photographer- The T Family

Do you ever have people in your life that from the moment you meet them you want to be their friend?  Those folks are just genuine "good people." 

The Yavorsky Family- Oakland Family Documentary Photographer

The Yavorsky Family- Oakland Family Documentary Photographer

When I walked into their house, I knew it was going to be a good time. The children were smiley and relaxed, mom was completely gracious and at ease, and the house was bathed in gorgeous light. What more could a photographer ask for?  

Is there a doctor in the house?- Oakland Family and Documentary Photographer

Sabrina is one of my closest friends in the whole wide world.  I love this girl to death.  She is my sister.

Malcolm X Jazz Festival (Dreaming of Summer)- Oakland Family Photographer

Winter has officially arrived.  I've been following the heavy, heavy snowstorms back east.  Isn't it a bit early for all this?  

My Little Lady Love Turns 5 - Oakland Family and Children's Photographer

Fair warning:  This post is more personal than most of my postings.  And I'm feeling some kind of way about it.  But not awkward enough to not post it.

This Summer In Pictures- Monterey Bay Vacation (Part 2)

Our second day began with a whole lot of nothin'. We spent the better part of the morning in our PJs making paper airplanes. 

Oakland/San Francisco Family Photographer- What's a Lifestyle/Storytelling Session?

I talk a lot about storytelling sessions and lifestyle photography. People often ask me how that type of photography session differs from your average family photo shoot.

This Summer In Pictures- Monterey Bay Vacation (Part 1)

As parents who work outside the home, it's always a special treat to have the opportunity to spend extended amounts of time with our children.

This Summer In Pictures- Part 1

It's been a very busy summer.  We've traveled, had our firstborn graduate from preschool and start Kindergarten, a five year old birthday party and all the wonderful adventures in between it all.

this week in pictures 07.18.14

Spinach and Cheese Quiche- Super Easy and Healthy Weeknight Meal!

Cooking does not come natural to me.  Actually, I didn't start cooking regularly until I had children.

Oakland Family Lifestyle Photographer- C Family

I haven't blogged in awhile. I've been busy shooting, and enjoying the beautiful spring weather in the Bay Area.

Telling Stories with Lifestyle Photography Workshop Review

One of my life mottos is that there are no accidents. Life has a funny way of giving you just what you need right when you need it.