Back in February (yes, I am long overdue in blogging this session), I traveled down to my "second home", Los Angeles, for a long weekend. Although it doesn't happen often, it's always so good to get back there. So many memories and a handful of my most cherished friends, make it a special place from me. While I was there, I had a chance to see a few of those friends. One of them was my dear friend, Jenifer. We've been close since our freshman year of college. We've been through all the ups and downs of adulthood, and our friendship has lasted throughout it all. I was honored to be able to photograph her and her beautiful son. Her mom also makes an appearance, as well! I had a blast and I hope that they too.
Mama and Baby Breastfeeding Session- Oakland Family Documentary Photographer
There are few manifestations of the bond between mother and child sweeter than the breastfeeding relationship. When I think about my children as infants and young toddlers, it's the thing that comes to mind first and the that which I miss the most. When my client, Rachel, inquiring whether I would be interested in photographing a mama and baby breastfeeding session, I couldn't say yes fast enough. So, I spent a beautiful afternoon with them hanging out at their house, chatting about babies and life, watching them bake scones, and witnessing their precious. Here's their story.
Week 24- 365
Week 24 of my 365.
Week 23- 365
Week 23- 2015
Week 22-365
This week in pictures- May 31st to June 6th.
Week 21- 365
Week 20- 365 It's so full twist and turns and ebbs and flows. The last few weeks have been full of wonderful new happenings- an exciting new job opportunity in my field of public health, a renewed commitment to a 5:30am workout routine that also necessitates an early bedtime (no more late night editing sessions), and lots of fun family fun marking the start of summer. It's been a great few weeks, but busy as all get out. As a result, I've fallen a bit behind on the daily posting of my 365. And because it would take a bit of effort at this point to post all the pictures individually, I've decided to post weekly instead of daily. So here it is: my first weekly 365 post.
129/365: "Mom, while you're making breakfast, I'm going to make a book."
130/365: Hittin' the deck.
131/365: Spying.
132/365: In transition.
132/365: Business lunch.
133/365: Finding new obsessions.
134/365: If there is a heart to be found, this one will find it.